Mom Identity Makeover Checklist

10 Steps to Rediscovery Yourself In Your Motherhood Journey!

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About me

I was a corporate boss b*tch with a clear focus on what my life was to look like.

Then I fell pregnant.

I went from glam, heels, fast car, sexy title, clean house to … well … none of that!! Living in sweats, showers were on the run, no hot meals or drinks, constantly washing vomit-infested clothes, hair washes were luxuries and sleep had left the building.

No gradual introduction, just BANG - this is it now.

I had all the feels. All the emotions. All the confusion and frustration. It is messy, emotional, guilt-ridden and beautiful all at the same time. I’m here to tell you that it is NORMAL and totally ok!!

Taniel Strydom 2024 copyright.